O&O CleverCache 7

Maximum usage of your PC resources

O&O CleverCache optimizes your file cache management in Windows. This results in an enormous performance boost, sometimes doubling your original system speed without any additional hardware purchases or restrictions to your system’s stability

O&O CleverCache 7
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If a computer is used without interruption for longer periods, slower answering times of applications will occur. By restarting the computer, you will find out that the system runs with significantly higher performance. The reason for this is the empty file cache resulting from the reboot of the system. O&O CleverCache achieves the same result without any reboot, ensuring maximum performance while the system is online.

Don't wait any longer!

Even with the latest hardware, the processing of digital pictures, videos, or computer games can often lead to longer answering times or “frozen” programs. In fact, it's often not the lack of main memory capacity that's at fault, but the file cache management of your Windows operating system.

O&O CleverCache makes sure that the file cache is reset while the computer's running: something that otherwise usually requires a restart of the computer. O&O CleverCache will let you continuously maintain maximum levels of performance on your computer!

Reduce file cache of minimized programs

Multitasking is commonplace in Windows. Users will minimize an application window to the taskbar and leave it to run in the background while another application is in use. This is especially the case with users of Office applications, who often switch between different Office applications at a high frequency. But even if the application is minimized, it still continues to use main memory resources, possibly consuming file cache resources as well. O&O CleverCache significantly reduces the cache resources and thereby increases available main memory resources. This results in much faster response times for active applications.

Enhanced profile management provides O&O CleverCache with predefined profiles, which make it easier to work with the program. Your system will be analyzed at each start whenever an O&O AutoSense profile is selected. If changes in the main memory are detected, O&O CleverCache automatically updates the configuration settings, so that the new hardware is optimally used. You can also set your own settings in the user profile. This will allow you to load your cache settings for, let's say, video editing or games at just the right moment. Even if you reinstall Windows, your user profiles will not be lost, since O&O CleverCache is able to export and import these profiles as files.

O&O Clever Cache now includes “Mem-OSafe” along with its other features. It allows you to control the update interval of the file cache. In order to improve system performance, data isn't immediately written to the secondary medium (e.g. hard disk), but buffered in the internal file cache to wait for additional data that might also need to be written. Just how long this waiting period lasts is not usually something you can control: not until O&O Clever Cache enters the picture. O&O CleverCache 7 lets you control this update interval, enabling you to make sure that the least amount of data is lost in the event of a system crash or something similar.

O&O CleverCache 7 Key Features