Pinnacle Studio 24

Pinnacle Studio 24

Video editing software

Explore timeline and storyboard video editing. Get creative with hundreds of effects, titles, and new graphics. Select from a library of intuitive project templates. Tap into color correction tools to transform your footage

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Why Pinnacle Studio 24?

Flexible editing
Enjoy drag-and-drop timeline and storyboard editing across six tracks and explore tools to take your video projects to the next level.
Get creative
Get creative with hundreds of effects, transitions, color correction tools, and titles. Start with video templates, or from scratch!
Work efficiently
Pinnacle Studio's customizable, intuitive interface enables you to streamline your workflow. Export to device, upload online, or burn to disc with ease.

Your gateway to advanced editing

Take advantage of powerful tools and creative effects that empower you to go beyond basic editing.

Loaded with powerful features

Our competitive advantage

Keyframe precision
Add keyframes to customize almost any parameter of your edits — take complete control over your motions, effects, and overlays.
Customizable workspace
Set custom tool shortcuts, group and edit clips simultaneously, and explore a streamlined workflow for your most intuitive editing experience.
Additional applications
Included tools empower you to capture video and record your screen, author DVDs, and leverage compatibility with many third party plugins.

It's the most powerful Pinnacle Studio 24 yet

Title Editor
Create custom motion graphics and take control of your titles — right down to the word or individual letter — with the redesigned Title Editor. Set style and manipulate individual parameters of any text with keyframe-based controls — add motion, rotate, scale, and more. Save as presets for future use.
Graphic overlays
Explore new animated overlays, graphics, and backgrounds for instant drag-and-drop creativity.
Keyframe controls
Multi-select a group of keyframes by drawing a frame around them to highlight, reposition, or even duplicate and streamline your editing.
Project notes
Remember where you left off and leave notes on next steps with new project notes.
Split Screen videos
Auto fit your media to the size of the dropzone with new SmartFit controls — edit the size and position as needed.
Keyboard shortcuts
Set up new shortcuts in the control panel and easily search by letter to see what it is assigned for.
Enjoy higher bitrate and enhanced Intel Quick Sync video hardware acceleration.
Training material
Learn the new features of Pinnacle Studio 24 with new training videos and written tutorials.

Features fueling your video editing software

Pinnacle Studio 26 boxshot

Pinnacle Studio 26

Just Released

Create impressive productions and streamline your workflow with reliable tools and plenty of creative templates and effects

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